The Background to our Forum
Purpose and brief history
The Andover & District Older People's Forum 'AOPF' is a campaigning organisation devoted to helping people access local help and information.
The history behind The Andover & District Older People's Forum 'AOPF' is.......
The Andover and District Older People’s Forum was formed in 2010 with the active support of Test Valley Borough Council, which retains an ex-officio representative on the 14 member Executive Committee.
The Forum’s purpose was, and remains, to actively engage in issues affecting the wellbeing, interests and concerns of the over 55 age group in the Andover area as defined by its constitution.
The Forum is affiliated to the National Pensioners’ Convention (N.P.C.), an organisation which campaigns for pensioners’ rights at a national and regional level. The Forum campaigns, where appropriate, on these issues at a local level.
The Forum’s activities have included the campaign to retain free t.v. licences for the over 75s, raising housing concerns at a seminar with our local M.P., Kit Malthouse, making its voice heard on local transport issues and contributing our views on the local Clinical Commissioning Group’s plans for health care in the Andover area.
Individual membership of the Forum is free, its financial viability rests upon grants from local organisations, fund raising activities by its members and voluntary contributions to cover the costs of refreshments provided at each general meeting.
Membership of the Forum is open to all over the age of 55 and welcomes new members who, like us, wish to actively promote the health and wellbeing of people in our age group.

Constitution and Membership
If you'd like to join us and work with us to engage in issues that affect the well-being, interests and concerns of the over 55's, then please see and complete our Contact Form below. We are always keen to have new members so we look forward to welcoming you as an AOPF member.
Membership is free.
Meet The Committee Officers

Mollie Antrobus
AOPF Publicity and Events Officer

Hon Alderman
Marion Kerley MBE
AOPF Fundraiser

Brian Kay
AOPF Refreshments Officer

Peter Rayner
AOPF Member

Wilson Carson
AOPF Web Management
Social Media, IT & Marketing

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